
When you hold your baby in your arms, and look down at that sweet little face….that… is… love!!

Instant LOVE!

You are exhausted from pregnancy/ labor and around the clock feedings. All of this takes a tole on our bodies and minds. We try to memorize every little detail of this precious little face, because they change so fast!! Sadly, the reality is, your memory fades.

This, in its purest essence, is why I love FRESH 48 photography. It captures all the details that you won’t remember…the little ears, fingers and toes, the way they crinkle their nose, their tiny little yawns and how they fit curled up on your chest.

Having photos to document the most precious days of your life, is an instant trip back to your favorite moment.


  • Your FRESH 48 session is done in the hospital (or your home for a home birth), with in baby’s first 48 hours of life

  • Up to a one hour, casual session to capture the tiniest of details

    Fresh 48 sessions priced at $399, includes ALL useable photos via download (with print release up to an 8x10 size)